Prepare students for 3 Dimensional
Standardized Assessments
Training and personal coaching
for classroom formative assessments

How our 3D Assessment PD works

Quality Tools

Teachers will receive hands on experience and analysis of the best tools for 3D assessment creation

Build for Rigor

Teachers build rigorous assessment clusters, driven by rich phenomena to thoroughly assess the standards

Individualized Coaching

After the PD, each teacher will receive personal coaching on future assessments via Google Drive comments and/or video conferencing

Assign and Analyze

Free access to InnerOrbit’s item bank and reports to administer assessments and analyze student performance.

Get Started with 3D NGSS Assessments

How do These Waves Interact with this Beach?

Use the gif below and labels on the image below to answer the questions that follow.
NGSS Phenomena: A wave from the ocean, labeled B is crashing on sand, labeled C. The air is labeled A and in the background we can see hills with trees on them labeled D.

1. The sand we see here around letter C was most likely made from working to change the .

Drag the answers below into the grey placeholders above


2. The shape of the tall mountains we see around letter D were most likely made from the working to change the .

Drag the answers below into the grey placeholders above


3. Plants found near the letter D are a part of the and will usually the rocks around them.

Drag the answers below into the grey placeholders above

not change
break down
build up

4. Wind that comes from the letter A is a part of the and will usually the rocks that it moves around.

Drag the answers below into the grey placeholders above

break down
build up
not change

5. Ice that would form around letter D is a part of the and will usually the rocks it forms around.

Drag the answers below into the grey placeholders above

not change
build up
break down

6. It’s likely that D made the change into C over how much time?

7. For letter C on the image and based on what you observe in the image, what changes likely led to its formation?

8. Your science teacher says that the ocean is very important to certain parts of the biosphere. Draw a model that shows an example of how this claim could be true. In your model, label the parts of the biosphere in green, and label parts of the hydrosphere in blue.



9. Waves are made when wind pushes on water over long distances. Draw a model in the space below to show an interaction between the hydrosphere and geosphere. Label the spheres and show how water interacts with and changes the land.



10. Explain how your model shows an interaction between spheres on the Earth. Explain how water interacts with and changes the land.

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  • Create Your Own Assessments

  • Analyze Student Performance in 3 Dimensions

This matching question aligns to the following standards

  • 5-ESS2-1

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

This matching question aligns to the following standards

  • 4-ESS2-1

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

This matching question aligns to the following standards

  • 5-ESS2-1

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

This matching question aligns to the following standards

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

  • Systems and System Models

  • 5-ESS2-1

This matching question aligns to the following standards

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

  • 5-ESS2-1

This multiple choice question aligns to the following standards

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

  • 5-ESS2-1

  • Systems and System Models

This multiple choice question aligns to the following standards

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

  • Developing and Using Models

  • 5-ESS2-1

  • Systems and System Models

This drawing question aligns to the following standards

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

  • Developing and Using Models

  • Systems and System Models

  • 5-ESS2-1

This drawing question aligns to the following standards

  • Developing and Using Models

  • 5-ESS2-1

  • Systems and System Models

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

This free response question aligns to the following standards

  • Developing and Using Models

  • 5-ESS2-1

  • Systems and System Models

  • ESS2.A: Earth’s Materials and Systems

Sample InnerOrbit Assessment Reports

    Training and personal assessment coaching